Foot massage or Padabhyanga in Sanskrit is relaxation therapy as our feet work very hard thought the day, this therapy improves circulation, stimulates muscles, reduces tension, often eases pain.
You must know that many nerves from our vital organs like heart, brain end in our feet so foot massage benefit the entire body rendering:
Revitalize your body
Enhanced blood and lymph circulation
Strengthening and restoring nerves
Alleviating stress
Why to go for Ayurveda Foot Massage
The oldest civilizations of the world like China, India, and Egypt recognize that feet is reflection of our overall well being and almost 7000 of the nerves end in the foot.
Devotees around the world touch the feet of their teachers to show love and respect. lord Vishnu’s footprints are worshiped in temples and holy sites across Asia. So we must care our feet beyond cosmetic purposes. As healthy feet helps in healthy body and nervous system.
Benefits of Ayurveda Foot Massage at Ayulife
Improves blood circulation
Fights depression
Helps in relaxation
Induces better sleep
Relieves body pains
Getting relief from Health problems is just 3 steps away!