A confined pocket of pus that collects in tissues, organs or spaces inside the body is called Vidradhi. The abscess could be cause of imbalance in any of Tridoshas .
An abscess is a suppurative inflammation where the pus is formed in the tissue cavity. The place is swollen, redden, warm and painful. It may also cause fever in certain cases. Abscess may occur anywhere on the body – on the back, chest, abdomen, groin, etc.
There are also internal abscesses that affect the organs – liver and lung, dental etc., and the suppurative inflammation can also develop between organs. In general abscesses are associated with metabolic disturbances and decreased immunity.
The key benefits of Ayurveda procedure to remove Pus is that its non-surgical procedure. Unlike in Allopathy where Pus removal is done by Surgery or cutting the wound by blade.
Treatment for Pus in Body:
Internal medication Gandhaka Rasayana, Amruthadi Guggulu, and Triphala Guggulu can be very useful in treating pilonidal abscess.
Treatment for Pus in Mouth/Dental:
Ayulife 36-37, 1st Floor, Vatika City Market Sohna Road, Sector 49 Gurugram Haryana India
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