Now-a-days, many of us have jobs that require us to stare at computer/ Mobile/TV/LCD/LED screens for hours at a time. That can put a real strain on your eyes. This over exposure to light causes many problems to eyes. and these problems come under category of Computer vision syndrome (CVS).
Netra Trapan, an Ayurvedic treatment that can help improve vision and alleviate various eye problems caused by prolonged screen exposure. It includes strain on eyes, irritation , dryness in eyes. Based on one research its seen that 1 out 3 people suffer from CVS now-a-days.
Procedure – Netra Tarpan:
Ayulife 36-37, 1st Floor, Vatika City Market Sohna Road, Sector 49 Gurugram Haryana India
Phone: +911244031467
Phone: +911244221747
Whatsapp: +919971809753
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