Vaginal White Discharge – a common Gynecological Problem
Gynecological problems refer to health issues that specifically affect the female reproductive system. There are numerous gynecological problems that women may experience throughout their lives. Some common examples include menstrual disorders, such as conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, uterine fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and ovarian cysts, among others.
These problems can cause various symptoms such as pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding, discomfort during sexual intercourse, and reproductive difficulties. It’s important to remember that gynecological problems can vary in severity and may require different treatments depending on the specific condition.
Vaginal White Discharge - Causes and Types
Healthy vaginas produce vaginal discharge or fluid. This is completely normal but when these fluids change, it can signal a problem. What does normal discharge look like? It is has the following characteristics:
Clear, white, or slightly yellow
Stretchable during ovulation
First, it’s important to know that all vaginas secrete fluids. Glands in your vagina and cervix produce small amounts of fluid that flow out of your body every day. These fluids lubricate the vagina.
Vaginal discharge normally varies throughout the month. A healthy vagina continually secretes fluids that lubricate the vagina and vulva. Normal vaginal discharge helps clean the vagina by removing old cells. It’s these mucus-like secretions that keep it healthy. The fluids can be clear or milky looking and should not have a strong odor.Sometimes, you may notice a fluid that is thin and stringy such as during ovulation. One of the many functions of your vagina is to provide a route to your uterus and reproductive system. The fluids in your vagina also help to create a naturally acidic environment. The pH of your vagina helps prevent infections. It also helps to promote a good balance of bacteria or flora.
Un-Healthy Vaginas discharge Fluid.
Differences in your vaginal fluids could mean you have an infection or other health condition. If you suddenly have much more vaginal fluid than you normally do, it may be a sign of a problem.
Color is also important. Bright yellow or green discharge could be a concern. Thick, clumped, or chunky discharge (like cottage cheese) or extra watery discharge can also mean something is amiss.
Some other signs of infection include:
Itching, discomfort, or rash
Burning when you urinate
Blood when it’s not time for your period
A foul odor
If you notice changes like these, talk to our doctors at Ayulife for consultation and Treatment.
Ayurveda Treatment to Vaginal White Discharge Fluid
Following are the common treatment methods for the Vaginal discharge .
1) Uttra Basti , a panchakarma Therapy.
Basti is often administered in two stages: an oil stage and a decoction stage. In the first stage, five ounces of warm sesame oil is introduced into the rectum and retained for ten minutes.