Herbal Facials - Ayulife

Herbal Facials

Herbal Facials

Herbal Facials

At Ayulife we offer al types of Face Massages and Face Packs which not only offer beauty benefits but also brings medical benefits and these are purely herbal without any chemicals.

Face Massage:

In Ayurveda the Face massage is defined as Mukhabhyangam. Face massage at Ayulife is performed with herbal oils by  Stroking, pinching, rolling, squeezing of the skin of the face. This helps in stimulating the soft tissues and muscles of the face and increases the blood circulation and helps in toning of facial muscles.

Benefits of Herbal Face Massage 

  1. Provides relaxation to muscles of the face.
  2. Nourishes and detoxifies the skin.
  3. Improves the skin tone making it even.
  4. Helps to cure of pigmentations and dark spots of the faces.
  5. Has anti-aging benefits like delaying wrinkles.

Herbal Face Packs

Mukhlepam, a type of Ayurvedic Face Pack strives to bring glow and radiance to the face. A pack consisting of various herbs like Chandan/Sandal Powder, Turmeric, neem , Lodhra, Aloe Vera etc is hand prepared. This quantity and type of herbs in facepack varies depending upon the type of skin.  

This face pack is left on the face for nearly 10 minutes.

  1. Benefits of Face Pack
  2. Tightens the skin of face.
  3. Anti-aging medium for the facial skin
  4. De-tans skin and brings back the natural glow

In short if in this modern world if individual wants to look beautiful and younger without chemicals these herbal facials and Packs are best.

Post Face Massage or Face Packs

Avoid using soaps or face washes etc for 5 -6 hours for better results. The facial is recommended to to be carried out once in  a month.

Back Scrub for beautifying the back 


At Ayulife we understand the value of modernity and fashion in today’s world. To beautify the “back” we offer some of the best scrubs which may help in looking beautiful when you wear sleeveless or “back less Cholis” or “tops”.

A body scrub is referred to as a body exfoliation, body gloss or body polish. The exfoliating component needs to be abrasive enough to achieve this but not too strong so as not to damage healthy skin. 

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