Janu Vasthi for Knee Pain | Chiropractor in Gurgaon



Janu vasthi (For Knee Pain)

Janu Vasthi is one of the best Panchkarma therapy for Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis etc. It regulates the synovial fluid in the joints, which lubricate the knee joints. The treatment strengthens the joints by improving blood circulation. It is very useful for

  1. Pains due to ACL, PCL, Ligament Injury
  2. Chronic Knee Pain.
  3. Inflammation in joints
  4. Degeneration due to over usage of joints
  5. Aging Factor

At Ayulife we have treated thousands of patients suffering from Knee Pain and even some patients were recommended surgery.


How Janu Vasthi Treats :

  1. Therapist prepares the small well and places on the affected area.
  2. This adheres to the skin and is then filled with heated, medicated oil.
  3. This oil penetrates deeper into the tissues.
  4. As a result that softens the stiff and tight muscles.
  5. Then therapist massages that portion to increase blood flow.
  6. Some times Swedan Kriya is also given by localized Steam

Duration : 45 minutes

Charges : Rs. 1250/-


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