Shiro means head and Vasti means container that holding liquids. Vasthi is one of the ace treatment, part of Snehnan (Oleation) in which medicated herbal oil is used. It is very useful in Neuro Problems.
Shirovasti or Shirobasti or ShiroVasthi is used to treat
The Head, Brain Related Problems
Neurological diseases
Chronic Pains like Migraine, Headache, Depression
It is also beneficial for lowering stress and building immunity against psychosomatic diseases.
Procedure of Shirovasti
Outer area of head is covered by a leather cap
Cap is hollow from inside so that Oils , Ghee or Liquid decoctions could be put into it
The oil is retained for certain period and is not allowed to leak.
How Shirovasthi Works or treats
This oil penetrates deeper into the head through pores. It softens the stiff and tight muscles. Once the oil is removed the therapist will massage specific marma points around the affected area to repair ligaments and tendons.
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