Very Low AMH , Infertility, treated with Ayurveda

Ayurveda Panchkarma Treatments to Infertility “Very Low” AMH at Ayulife


About Patient and the Problem Statement

Following is the story of Infertility patient in her own words, how they tried various treatments in modern scinece like OI, IUI, IVF etc but no results and doctors recomnded for Surrogacy.. But coming at Ayulife Ayurveda Clinic changed their destiny.. Listen in their own words.

Patient Details & history

• Age : 33
• Weight : 55 Kg
• Husband Age : 36
• Married : 7 Years

We are married for 7 years and had been trying to conceive since 2017 (4 + years).

We consulted various doctors in US and India and tried all the fertility options that were possible for us through the allopathic medicine but had no success.

After going through multiple rounds of timed intercourse, Medically Stimulated timed intercourse (Crinone /Progesterone), multiple cycles of IUI (Intrauterine insemination, artificial insemination). And multiple IVF (In-vitro fertilization ) cycle but no success.

We were finally advised to choose between high dosage hormone stimulation to prepare for another cycle of IVF (which could potentially damage endometrium permanently we were told) or a surrogate mother.

We completely gave up hopes on this line of treatment and medication. As important point to note here is that we were constantly told throughout all the treatments listed below (US and India) that the most probable and only reason is rapidly declining and already very low AMH value for her and that there is no option to bring it back up known in modern medicine.

Interaction with Ayulife:

We finally approached our Ayurvedic Dr (Dr. Shalu Garg) in Dec’20 and posed our question if the AMH can be improved through Ayurvedic procedure (coming from the modern medicine mindset). We were warmly welcomed and oriented by the Dr. on the Ayurvedic way of doing things. We stared on this journey with full faith and within 2 months of starting the procedures / treatments to balance the body we naturally conceived!!

It gives us immense pleasure to share the miraculous news and whole heartedly support the awareness in our society regarding our Ayurvedic way of life for the benefit of everyone.

About AMH Test:

Anti-mullerian Hormone (AMH) is an important fertility test to tell us about a woman’s ovarian reserve as it stands today. Higher AMH values (greater than 1 ng/mL) usually signify that a woman has a normal ovarian reserve. Lower numbers (less than 1 ng/mL) may indicate a woman with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR).
So for those who do not know much about AMH and its values :-

High (often PCOS) Over 4.0 ng/ml
Normal 1.5 – 4.0 ng/ml
Low Normal Range 1.0 – 1.5 ng/ml
Low 0.5 – 1.0 ng/ml
Very Low Less than 0.5 ng/ml

My Level was near 0.37 which fall in category of “Very Low” .

Summary of Prescriptions / Procedures:

Year 2018 (Consultations in US/Chicago)

When Couple did not conceive naturally they started, Initial consultation with Doctors in US Chicago fertility / Gynaecology clinic . Dctors at Chicago advised
• Try for 1 year with timed intercourse
• & if there are no results then come try other options.
Prescriptions: Fertility related tests and Multivitamins prescribed for both (attached).

Year 2019 & 2020 (Consultations in US/Chicago)

Consultation with Advanced Fertility centre of Illinois (Chicago) referred by above Gynae doctor . Following key problems diagnosed at Advanced Fertility centre
• Medical reports indicated very low AMH value
• Slightly overactive thyroid,
Prescriptions: 3 months corrective medicines and multivitamins with 2 failed medically stimulated cycles.

Year 2020 (Jan to June) – Fertility Clinics of Large Hospitals in Gurgaon

Took consultations at large Women Hospitals like CK Birla and started the treatment, doctor also indicated that Very low AMH
Prescriptions: Advised to undergo IUI. Attempted two IUI Cycles with no success.

Year 2020 (June to Nov) – Referred to IVF Centre in Gurgaon

At IVF Centre, following treatment were performed: –
• Considering low AMH, patient advised to undergo to extract and preserve as many eggs as possible.
• Attempted IVF Cycle with no success
• Afterward IVF guided us to go far high dosage IVF or surrogate mother.

Year 2020 (Dec) – Approached Ayurvedic Medicine (Dr Shallu Garg – Ayulife)

Doctor Advised, 3 months Body detox course and corrective procedures with lifestyle changes recommended

Year 2021( Mar 2021) : Naturally conceived

!! And continuing on a tremendously miraculous and happy journey

Case Study with Medical Prescriptions

1. Trying for Pregnancy from 2017..

Medical Reports of Infertility

2. Diagnosed with low AMH , Ovulation Induction performed.

Infertility Report LOW AMH
Many Fertility Tests were done

3. Multiple Sessions of Ovulation Induction were performed.

Ovulation induction (OI) means using fertility medications to stimulate the release of one or more eggs from the ovary
Infertility report OI , IUI

4. AMH was low in range of 0.37 – called “Very Low”

  1. Multiple Sessions of (LH, Serum) Luteinizing hormone procedure

Multiple sessions of Harmonal procedure were given but they did not bring any result.

6. Embryo Transfer in Nov 2020

IVF Started in November 2020, reports related to that…
Embryo transfer report

7. No success in Assisted Reproductive Technology

After various medical procedures like IUI, OI, ART, IVF nothing worked in favour and doctor suggested for surrogacy and also indicated that this is due to very low AMR which cannot be improved in modern science. Couple was left quite hopeless.

Assisted Reproductive Technology

8. New Dawn begins for hopeless couple at Ayulife Ayurveda Panchakarma Clinic

After 1 month treatment at Ayulife with Ayurveda , Pregnancy Ultrasound scan report showed positive results and now the couple is blessed with a baby.

Ultrasound report of baby
Ultrasound report of baby 2

Treatment Procedure at Ayulife for Infertility:

At Ayulife various medical procedures as described in the ancient books of Rigveda based on Ayurveda and Panchkarma are performed. These all are natural procedures and based on the 25 years’ experience of doctor many childless couples have been blessed with Child.

Read more details about Ayulife – Fertility Procedures: –

Thanking You..

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